
My early birthday presents: Darkness II LE and iPhone 4!

Dear readers!

Working extra hard in December finally paid out and I was able to buy myself my early birthday presents. So here they are:

I bought the uncut Limited Edition of Darkness II!I already wanted to buy the game after the first five minutes of the demo and I’m not through it yet but I can definetely already say: It’s one of the best made and most fun games I’ve played in my life! The story is very touching and has already left me with tears in my eyes many times.

Also I couldn’t resist any longer after my boyfriend got an iPhone…and got myself the iPhone 4! I’m already completely in love with it…it’s awfully useful and handy!

So I am very happy with my early birthday presents…and now I’m off again to continue playing Darkness II!



Sucht Ihr noch was spannendes und lustiges zu lesen?

Meine lieben Leser!

Nur ein ganz ganz kurzer Post um euch einen Blog zu empfehlen, den ich vor kurzem gefunden hab und der mich schon herzlich zum Lachen aber auch zum Nachdenken gebracht hat:


Schaut mal rein…!

Ich bin zur Zeit noch sehr busy – still hwaiting! >_<




DM Haul plus „Shaun of the Dead“ and „Twilight 1-3 Limited Edition“ Blu-ray

Good evening! (≧∇≦)/

Today I had my first exam in this term and it went very well! (゜o゜) So after finishing I felt like celebrating a bit and went for some shopping since I also got my salary today! ☆彡

First I went to DM and bought a whole lot of stuff – some of the things I needed to buy (like a new toothbrush and such which im not going to show here though) and others I’ve simply been curious about:

So I bought…

– …the new Adidas Happy shower-gel for 2,15€, which smells very tasty like fresh fruits!

– …a Guhl shampoo with Aloe Vera that’s called „prachtvoll lang“ and is supposed to be especially good for long hair by nurturing without making the hair lose volume for 3,95€!

– …a Manhattan Multi Effect Eyeshadow in color number 95E „Sand“ for 2,75€!

– …my all-time fav Mascara „Telescopic“ by L’oreal for 10,75€!

– …a 30ml spray flacon of Beyonce’s perfume called „Heat Rush“ in Sale for only 9,95€, which I’ve been wanting for a long time because it smells so nicely of summer and that fruity!


After DM I also went to Karstadt to buy two more Blu-ray’s for my boyfriend and me to watch after studying:

Its „Shaun of the Dead“ – one of my fav zombie movies and also the first one I ever saw like 5 years ago- for 9,99€ and the first three „Twilight“ movies in a speical limited edition for just 22,99€ for all three! I think of that as being rather reasonably priced! (*´▽`*)

That’s it for today! More reviews and senseless posts to follow when exams are over! (●^o^●) Wish me luck for all the exams! Have a good night!



„Borderlands“ for PS3 and „REC“ Blu-Ray

Hey there!

Just a quick post to show you how I chose to reward myself for working and studying this month: ~゜・_・゜~

I bought one of my fav games of all times for PS3Borderlands! I already own it for PC but since my computer is broken and I’m not planning to be buying a new one in near future, I just bought it a second time for PS3 so my love and me can play together! ☆彡 (≧∇≦)/

Also I bought one of my fav horror movies on Blu-RayREC! What an epic movie!


Have a good night, boys and girls!



Unusual Post: IKEA Haul

Dear readers and followers! (^▽^)

Todays‘ post is going to be a bit different from my usual posts, because it’s going to be an IKEA Haul (if you can call this a haul since it’s not a „classic“ haul?!). Anyways…this morning I went to IKEA with my mum to have a yummy breakfast, like we often do.


You can have a very good and cheap breakfast there with a lot of food to choose from!

After we had finished eating and chatting we decided to look around the store for a bit since I’m looking for new courtains. I found some very nice ones in a deep purple color, but I’ll have to wait till next month to buy them cause they’re quite expensive (;一_一)

And my lovely mum bought me some very nice and useful things:

A huuuuuuge cup, some cutlery and finally a corkscrew! (≧∇≦)/ My boyfriend and I like to drink some wine from time to time and we always had to borrow a corkscrew. No more borrowing!  Haha! ∩( ・ω・)∩

Also she got me two sets of those cool dishes: ヽ(^。^)ノ

Now I’ll go back to studying… (>_<) Have a nice day!

