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Unusual Post: IKEA Haul

Dear readers and followers! (^▽^)

Todays‘ post is going to be a bit different from my usual posts, because it’s going to be an IKEA Haul (if you can call this a haul since it’s not a „classic“ haul?!). Anyways…this morning I went to IKEA with my mum to have a yummy breakfast, like we often do.


You can have a very good and cheap breakfast there with a lot of food to choose from!

After we had finished eating and chatting we decided to look around the store for a bit since I’m looking for new courtains. I found some very nice ones in a deep purple color, but I’ll have to wait till next month to buy them cause they’re quite expensive (;一_一)

And my lovely mum bought me some very nice and useful things:

A huuuuuuge cup, some cutlery and finally a corkscrew! (≧∇≦)/ My boyfriend and I like to drink some wine from time to time and we always had to borrow a corkscrew. No more borrowing!  Haha! ∩( ・ω・)∩

Also she got me two sets of those cool dishes: ヽ(^。^)ノ

Now I’ll go back to studying… (>_<) Have a nice day!

